Our trusted roundtable discussions consist of smaller self-selected groups that desire to discuss challenges in a non-public environment. SMLC facilitates the platform for discussion, but the roundtable participants decide whether they would like our facilitator to attend. The SMLC will publish limited information to include the roundtable topic and general information so that others may ask to join. All other public information to be published is determined by the roundtable.
“Industry Sharing Session on Discrete Event Simulation (DES) in the Digital Age”
The following areas will will be discussed in this roundtable. The group plans to define the questions that the participants need answered, then focus on the possible solutions. You must contact the Managing Director for participation in this Trusted Roundtable as only limited seats are available.
Progressively Impactful DES
- Within a plant
- Capacity Planning, Operational Improvements
- Across the Supply Chain
- Demand Planning, Supply Planning
- Hot Starting Simulation
- Integrated with ERP
- Material Planning
- Integrated with MES
- Ware in Process
- Within a plant
Software Tools to Accomplish DES 1, 2, 3
- Traditional:
- FlexSim
- Witness
- Rockwell ARENA
- Siemens Process Simulate
- Complex:
- SAS Simulation Studio
- Any Logic
- Inter-operable with ERP, MES
- ?
- Traditional: